The Heritage Society honors donors who make gifts to the endowment funds of St. John in the Wilderness Episcopal Church. Your gift through will, trust, retirement plan, insurance policy or other estate plan, can ensure the future of St. John’s for generations to come. St. John in the Wilderness’s Endowment was established by congregational vote at our January 1998 Annual Parish Meeting.

The Saint Paul Foundation manages all of St. John’s endowment funds, ensuring professional investment management, security, and stability. Each year approximately 5% of St. John’s annual budget comes from our Endowment, providing key resources to fulfill our faith mission.

When you notify The Heritage Society about your gift intentions you will automatically be enrolled as a member of The Heritage Society. You may have permanent recognition in The Heritage Society roster, posted in the Church and on our website. If desired, your gift may remain anonymous, but we urge you to let us know of your plans on a confidential basis.

We encourage you to consult your financial planner and or attorney if you are interested in learning more about charitable gifts as part of your estate planning. For a confidential inquiry about your intentions for a planned gift for St. John’s Endowments and membership in The Heritage Society, please contact any member of The Heritage Society Committee: Anne Hovland, Joan Gardner, Ross Jahnke, Sarah-Jane Markoe, Jean Tews, and Jim Petersen (current Chair).